Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) aims to be a valuable contribution to the field of research in the ethics of care worldwide. A meeting space: to freely explore and connect emerging insights with colleagues.
Over the years we’ve interviewed international and well known care ethicists. We’re offering colleagues to also introduce themselves in the form of this interview with the same questions.
Please fill out the form below. We recommend using a desktop computer for this. Or use an alternative method by email; see the options below the form.
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We would like to show our readers your image with the interview. Please make sure you have the right to upload/use the image. Or that it is free of copyright or that it is free to publish by us through you, with copyright attribution.
An image needs to be at least 900 pixels wide, 400 pixels high and 72 dpi, with a maximum size of 2 Mb.
[wordpress_file_upload uploadid=”3020″ singlebutton=”true” uploadpath=”/uploads/interviews” fitmode=”responsive” maxsize=”2″ placements=”filename+selectbutton/uploadbutton+progressbar/userdata/consent/message” uploadtitle=”Upload portrait”]
Submission by email
For submission of the interview by email you can download the document: Interview Care Ethicists (Word-format). You can email the filled out document to Please also include a portrait photo to be published with the interview.